Ann Arbor’s Mike Tirico Moves from ESPN to NBC
Watch enough episodes of Monday Night Football and you'll hear lead announcer Mike Tirico slip in some mentions to Michigan and Detroit - and no surprise they creep in there, he lives in Ann Arbor. Now you'll be catching those allusions to Michigan on NBC as Tirico is set to jump ship from The Mothership.
Media reports that Tirico, who has been on ESPN since 1991 and spent a decade at the helm of Monday Night Football will be leaving for NBC Sports in the summer of 2016.
CNNMoney reports that Tirico will likely take over the newly created position of Thursday Night Football announcer rather than replace Al Michaels on Sunday Night Football. As for ESPN,
ESPN announcer Sean McDonough is the front runner to replace Tirico on "Monday Night Football," according to the source. McDonough signed a contract extension with the network earlier this year.
Jon Gruden is currently the other commentator on the Monday night football broadcast.
Tirico and his family have been Ann Arborites since 1999, moving to Southeast Michigan to be close to his wife's family.
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