You Can Spend the Night in One of the Famous Charlevoix Mushroom Houses
When you hear the words "mushroom house" what's the first thing that comes to mind?

If you said "Smurfs", you're not alone. That's the first thing that came to mind for me too. If memory serves me correctly, they lived in mushroom houses right?
I was also going to run with "hobbits" and "Lord of The Rings", but those were not mushroom houses. Those were shires. Dug into hillsides and they apparently come with their own scores and soundtracks. Seriously, go to YouTube and search "hobbit shire theme". There is tremendously way too much music for hobbit homes on the internet.
I digress. The previously mentioned mushroom houses are not real.
The ones in Charlevoix ARE. There are a lot of them there. So many in fact you can put it on your to do list when you visit. It's a really big tourist attraction up north.
It's common to refer to the custom homes of master builder Earl Young as mushroom houses. As a designer, Young was enigmatic because he didn't use blueprints. As an artist, he created homes that fit the site, rather than forcing the landscape to accommodate the design. The iconic structures' cute names do not diminish their lasting impacting and Charlevoix is proud of its architectural treasures. (visitcharlevoix)
And why just travel around and visit these iconic mushroom houses when you can actually spend the night in one.
Built on a knoll that inspired its design sits a house of stone overlooking Lake Michigan, its architect Earl Young called it home for over 30 years. Young designed and built this mushroom house and he chose the best spot in Charlevoix to do so! (airbnb)
Find out more about these one of a kind houses and the man behind them (Earl Young) HERE.
You can STAY IN THE ONE pictured above and find out more HERE. Take a look inside with the photos below.
LOOK INSIDE: You Could Stay At One of the Famous Charlevoix Mushroom Houses
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